Salé Ocean Outfall – Morocoo

GEOCEAN was awarded this month, within the SOMAGEC / ETERMAR / GEOCEAN / BESSAC / SOLSIF consortium, the contract for the construction of an ocean outfall in Salé, Morocco. This outfall pipeline will enable the evacuation and proper dispersion of the treated water from the new wastewater treatment plant.

This project is very similar to the one in Rabat already executed by GEOCEAN and consists in the installation of a 2 110m long ocean outfall including:

  • Shore approach micro-tunnel section, with a length of 800m, ID1900mm
  • HDPE section, with a length of 1310m, OD1800mm, including a diffuser at 28m water depth

Project execution will take place over the years 2018 and 2019, with the largest part of the work at sea taking place in the summer of 2019.